We went to the Wiggles last weekend in Peoria. Just as I expected, Aiden became bored within 30 minutes. Summer was amused. I have to admit I was amused quite a bit… Captain Feathersword singing in the style of Metallica or Green Day at the request of the Wiggles was certainly not for the kids. They actively tried to keep the parents from falling asleep as well! They may have even played their own instruments too… This is not confirmed though.
Ang went to a dinner at the Itoo hall in Peoria tonight. Summer got to hang out with Senator LaHood who sat at the next table. No camera! Sorry!
The Stahl house is under quarantine this past week. Everyone, and I mean everyone has been ill with a cold like thing. A big drag!
I officially started working on the living room this morning. I did not want to strip all the woodwork, so I have been washing all the wood down with Mineral Spirits. It seemed like a great idea when Bob Yapp talked about doing it… To be honest, I either have weak spirits, or am terribly impatient for something to happen. I dont feel like I am improving anything with the finish of the wood. I am committed now, I have finished 3 windows today, and will continue around the room this week…. With any luck, I will be applying new finish at the end of the week. New paint and light fixture soon after! Check out the house page for images.
As part of the reconstruction of the living room, all the toys have been dumped in the old dining room…. Oh my God… You have never seen 2 kids with more junk…