I was talking to a coworker today about how much I love making my bi-annual trip to the McKenzie Building in Pekin to pay our property taxes. Obviously, this was a joke. I don’t really enjoy writing 3500.00 checks twice a year.
My coworker pointed out that he is happier having his taken out via escrow in his monthly payment. As a matter of fact.. He didn’t even know where to go to pay property taxes.
I made a quick joke that he might be more inclined to run for county office if he stood in line for 10 minutes twice a year looking down at his tax bill. It was funny at the time… But kind of thought-provoking later as I think there was some truth in the statement.
How many people never look at their tax bills?
Don’t get me wrong… I’m not complaining about how much I pay(that would be another post) … But I think that there is a detachment from the reality of taxes when you make it part of your house payment.
Make a resolution for 2022 to take a closer look at that statement and see if you are content with the choices made for you.