For stupid Stahl tricks!
1. After the big snow this past week, we found it near impossible to get our hands on snomelt. Ang made the most of it by improvising.
Later that night, Tomi and Jeff stopped by, and we noticed that something weird was tracking all over the floor. Ang ended up spot mopping that next day. We just assumed that something the kids were playing with was being drug all over. On Saturday, Joe, Sylvia, Mom and Dad all came over after going out to Larry’s… We had more globs of stuff on our shoes.
Hey, whats that stuff Ang is using for melting the snow??? Kitty Litter! Clay!!! Oh Jeeze! I have this stuff all over now. We have seen the snow melt, but now the driveway and walkway is covered in this muddy clay mess! Sweeping it has only made it smear! Lesson learned… Kitty litter is good for traction on your car, but dint use it at your house unless you have a cat problem.
2. I was loading the downstairs fridge last week… After moving some stuff around, I forgot to notice a gallon of milk on the floor. The basement floor mind you, so it was not a warm room.
Anyway, 2 days later, I see it sitting there. And being the frugal bastard I am…I placed it back in the fridge. A week later when I was making breakfast, I needed that other gallon… I ran down to the fridge and grabbed the “aged” gallon.
I TASTED IT FIRST! Don’t think I pawned it off on the Wife and kids first!
After smelling it a few times in a glass… I tasted it. It was fine! So, the moral to the story is: Keeping your house at 60 degrees in the winter may be uncomfortable to people, but it keeps the perishables in fine shape!