I had to use that title. I couldn’t resist.
Summer called me on Tuesday to hit me with a bad joke… “Dad, I just saw Dr. Gajjar and he said I only have 30 minutes to live! What should I do?”. Obviously, this was a joke… We nervously know that cancer reappearing will take months to start creating this kind of havoc. I played along… “Well, knowing you are at St. Jude, you probably have enough time to get to the Bass Pro Pyramid and get to the observation tower” was my answer. She started laughing and told me that was a pathetic answer.
It was a good answer for a pathetic joke! Angela told me later that Summer had asked her the same question earlier… Angela had told her to go shopping. What can you shop for in 30 minutes??!?!?!?
Actually, Gajjar asked her if she wanted to go home this weekend. Summer’s numbers are all good, she isn’t scheduled for Chemo treatments till next week and she has some free time if she wants it. She is being allowed to come home Thursday afternoon and not return for appointments till Tuesday morning. (This is what we were hoping for at Christmas BTW!)
This is all fine and dandy except I have still been nursing this little cold or whatever it is since last Saturday. I worked Monday and Tuesday but this cough was getting worse last night. I have been taking cough and flu meds to keep it suppressed for a few hours at a time. If I am not moving or talking.. I can keep the cough at bay. Aiden has been home, so I thought I would go down to the basement and visit this afternoon, it was obvious that I could not carry a conversation and I think the coughing was disconcerting to him. I went back upstairs and hid out.
I did attempt to get a covid test today… Apparently, the health department is not running covid test centers anymore??? I went to the Tazewell County Website and it just funneled me to Illinois’ portal. Walgreens is the place to go. I tried to use my computer to book an appointment, but it timed out and dropped connection. I then used my cell phone and booked my slot for 3:15.
I booked the Walgreens in Washington because I really I was wanting to say on the down low about getting tested. So stupid really, since I am blogging about it!
The first problem, my tank was empty on the truck. I am such an idiot. I will drive home on empty and have no regard for my future-self needing the truck with gas. I do this all the time. I would rather get home than stop for an additional 10 minutes. The tank showed 16 miles, so I knew I was OK. Barely.
I got to Walgreens and they have signs posted as soon as you get in the parking lot on where to go for testing. Cool, I followed the directions and parked in the #1 location for “in-car” testing. Once in the spot, you scan the QR code and it directs you to a link that have you call the store. I called and the operator transferred me to the pharmacy. They said, “we don’t use those anymore, pull up to the #1 drive-through lane”. Ok, followed that direction. Sat in line a few minutes and when I was up to the window, the attendant said he could not find my reservation. I pulled up my phone and figured out that my appointment was for tomorrow!!!! UGH! “Can you do it now?” I asked. He told me no and added some reasons that made no sense to me. He did add that I if I booked the appointment after 11 AM, there was no way I was getting a same-day test anyway.
Well, I did sleep till 10:45 today and I didn’t even make this appointment till 1. So, I guess I was destined to have my test on Thursday no matter what.
I have another self-test being delivered tonight by Alex and I will go in for the full test at Walgreens tomorrow.
Summer told me in no uncertain terms that she is not coming to our house if I have covid. I don’t blame her. I honestly wish she WANTED to stay in Memphis while sickness seems to be washing all over everyone here in Illinois. But, the temptation of 5 days away from the hospital has her over the moon. I need to get myself together in the meantime so I don’t ruin it!
Not much to do about a common cold. Whisky, water, rest. Zinc, vit sea. Idk….take Cara you Eric.
Dear Summer: good news, bad joke. Love you!!!
C, D, Zinc, potassium are your immune builders. And get some Breathe tea to drink. Honey helps the cough. But it all takes time 🙁