What can I say? I imagine that this is a day that we will keep in our mind for the rest of our lives.
I have always thought that my generation would never know anything that affected our country like the WW2 generation. They are a living example…. Events that change our world always seem to be in a text book, or a Hollywood production. I am 30, and my parents can not tell me stories of anything close to this caliber.
An event like today can make you take stock in what you have. People went to work today, and never came home. People hopped a flight, and never had a chance!
Wanna Help… Give Blood, Donate Money? That is great, but can any of us imagine a loved one being taken away by horrific violence? Nothing you can hold or spend is going to take the place of that kind of personal tragedy.
My flag pole is broke… But tomorrow, I will be working to get it back up. I will buy yellow ribbons, or whatever someone decides is a tribute. I am proud to live in this country… It is worth defending, and it is worth saying out loud.
Lastly: Lets hope that this is as bad as it can get. I would hate to think it can get worse, and make this seem forgettable.
It seemed kinda cheesy to talk about Sept 11 today…. But after listening to some coverage on NPR this morning… I feel the need to share my thoughts from that day.
Here is a link to my site from back in 2001.