What a weekend!
Saturday I went over to Bill and Sandra’s to help install a new “Pergo” floor. I installed 2 rooms of this stuff at the house in Delavan, and volunteered to help Bill. They have made this stuff a little better in the past few years… They have locking grooves, and certain twisting motions every time you place new piece. It took us 6 and a half hours. My knees still have not recovered from being hunched over all day.
Sunday was house day. I built a fenced in area for the Willow tree out in the pasture. More fun with Post Hole Diggers! Believe it or not, but it is only 4 inches out of square! Not bad for being too bull headed to use my square!
Ang planted all the bulbs that Grandpa Dan gave us.
Ang cleaned the concrete pad that once held the chicken coup.