Angela’s Brother, Danny, and his girlfriend just had a little boy. He was very premature! 1 pound 6 oz. Lets hope he is a fighter. His name is Samuel Charles.
We put up our Christmas tree on Saturday.
We put up Linda’s tree on Sunday
I got sick on Egg-Nog Sunday night. There may a be a correlation between this and the 2 days of putting up trees.
Amy called me tonight, we chatted for a long time. She is now a mother of 2 months. I should have known, everybody I talk to is having kids. She is doing great. Amy said she will send me a link to their online photo album. With her permission I will tie in a link on this page.
Want to see my dream gutters? Is that too forward? Anyway, has done work on “This Old House” this last year. They have some COOL looking stuff. I may not be able to afford the copper, but we can look at a solid aluminum next spring. As I write this, I wonder who will care. Tough Luck Kiddo’s, Its my page and I will write about whatever I want. Just be thankful that I don’t start talking about President GW!
Ang may be conceding the VW. Nothing has been confirmed, but she has started driving the Mercedes whenever its convenient. Can Angela make the transition to a Camry????? GASP! She mentioned it the other night, we will start looking when the other house is sold.
Other house news. None! We are still figuring out the realtor change. The Mega Delavan Saleswoman is not so mighty. She sold 4 out of her 11 properties last year. One of them was the farm that Ang wanted before we landed at our new Castle. Our current Realtor has sold 3 out of 4 in Delavan in the same time span.
So are we any better off switching? I have one gal that I will call this week. She might confirm or deny my personal thoughts. Bruce, our current guy says that we are still about 5,000 to high. I figure that we have spent that much in interest in 6 months of house payments.
Family Stuff. I will have to dig around when we are down in Florida for an old Tape. In my Illinois History class with Mrs. Orthe (back in 1984), I recorded about 30 minutes of an Oral History with Grandma Giancarli. I remember having this cassette in Florida, but it gets lost from there. Dad, think about where this may be. If it is up in that attic, I will need a prayer. The ultimate goal would be to transfer it to MP3 format, and distribute it to all the family.
Any Practicing Catholics out there? I may need some assistance with Baptism Godparents after the baby is born. (Please don’t jump me on the following!) I am making a personal promise to raise our children Catholic. Once they are confirmed, they can make their own decisions. I just think it is better to have some moral guidance helping children. Lord knows that the crap that goes on with kids today is VERY different from Fairbury 20 years ago.
Moral Guidance does not include:
Speeding down Fads road between Easter Masses
Baptizing other Alter boys in the “River John”
Smoking doobies at Diocese youth conventions in Peoria. (for the record… I just watched)
Necking in the van all the way back from shopping trips with CYO.
Going to Colfax for Doughnuts instead of Sunday Mass in Forrest.
Did I miss Any?