Dana created a great website dedicated to Claire. Very cool and informative. 8 hours of labor!!!! Holy Cow! I am going to thank Ang tonight that she did not put me through that! Here is a link to the site on the Kennedy Zone.
The London Bombings… I had a bunch of people come up to me this week and say, “Golly, I bet your glad your not there right now” (Say it like Goofy and it will sound how I remembered them sounding!) I digress. Sure, I was just there, and it does hit home a little more…. But in general does a recent visit mean it should have more or less of a value?.
Here was my first thought. We really need to get those assholes.
I will be honest in saying that I was finally beginning to think that Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria were better left alone…. But after what they just did, it revitalized my conviction in this battle with radical fundamentalism. I don’t believe I am alone in this… I have to think that lots of people across this country and England were about sick of this War on Terror… So what does the enemy do? He fires it up again. It really makes me think that nobody with a brain is running that operation. They could have laid low, blown up people in Iraq for the next 6 months and most Americans and Britons would have been about ready to drop this thing. Not now!
It also reconfirms my faith that this battle needs to be concluded. It may seem like world building and imperialism, but I think history is littered with stories like this. If you do not stand up for your convictions on the world stage, you become “history”. You cannot pander to Tyrants and Fundamentalists. You cannot pretend that our world will stay one happy place with everyone staying within their respective property lines… It cannot and will not happen. When countries get out of line (Sadam in Kuwait) someone has to stand up for the little guys (Or stick with the side that has similar interests and beliefs)
Fighting sucks. I don’t like the thought that our youngest and brightest are fighting and risking death daily halfway around the world. My stomach turns at the thought that this may be my kids in 15 years! But, ideally, if my kids do have to fight for our country, I am sure THIS battle will be over!
How many giant side steps in history have been created by our country stopping tyranny? We may never know. What if we tried the Chamberlain approach towards Hitler, and refused to enter the war? What if Lincoln decided that slavery was not worth fighting over? What if the American revolutionaries decided that it was not worth risking everything? Everyone of us at some level has to stand up for themselves and say “enough is enough”. You have to believe that your personal life or the world will be a better place as a result of your actions.
I will admit that I don’t carry a coherent thought well when discussing politics. I am not really hip to writing much about it on my site. It is not what I love to write about! So, deal with this blurt out for what it is. Reactionary.
One other thing I admired about this tragedy… If you can do such a thing… I love the fact that we are becoming so digital that people in the train can record video on their phone and share it with the world when it matters. Wow, imagine where we will be with this technology in 5 years.