I had a dream that I was up and walking around in my cast! But that is not the case! I am anxious to stop hopping around on crutches or on one foot for limited stretches!
Jeff came over the other night and we were talking while the ladies were out of the room. He asked me if I missed going to work… It seems like a loaded question. Everyone should say “Heck No!”… But, I think he knew as well as I did that staying home and doing nothing is no joy. No, I miss going to work. I suppose I will change that perspective once I get back to work… But, in reality I would love to turn back time and not have to go through any of this!!!
I was thinking the other day that I will probably have a thought in the future like: “Man, when I was off for that month I shoulda done…” Insert anything at the end of that sentence. Well, the fact is, I have to remember that I COULDNT DO ANYTHING FOR THAT MONTH BUT SIT… And the first two weeks were sitting and moaning!
Dan came over and made beer on my stove this past Monday to entertain me…. It was entertaining. I was praying that he didnt make a mess… Ang just mopped the kitchen floor on Sunday.
Oh, I dont think I mentioned this… We got new basement windows installed the first week I was back… And that was fine, since one of us could be home all day for the work crew… Normally this would be a problem. Well, one thing they failed to mention when they left… The outside TV antenna wiring that I had piped through the basement window is now laying disconnected in the grass next to the house. So, I HAVE ONE CHANNEL!!!! Sometimes we get 2. PBS and NBC on a good day. So, not much TV viewing going on here! Thank God for Netflix!
In case anyone is wondering what a typical day has been:
- Get up and wait for kids to come downstairs.
- Entertain them until Linda comes to pick them up.
- Eat breakfast while listening to Don and Roma.
- Read left-over Wall Street Journals that Linda brings from work.
- Hop on net and work on this disaster of a site, or the beer site.
- Listen to Glen Beck (Never really heard the guy until this time off… Hillarious and mostly agreeable with me).
- Check my horrible 401K’s, IRA’s, Stocks and lament that we will be broke in 6 months if this keeps up.
- Read about what a freak Heather Mills is.
- Wonder why we are participating in the Chinease Olympics when its obvious they treat people like animals over in that country. 50 years ago it would not even have been a question.
- Play webkinz to earn Summer money… But I really play it because I like the games.
- Eat lunch.
- Read a book. Read 2 since I have been laid up… Its like a record!
- Listen to Roe on WLS. Hoping his Heather Mills imitation will keep me from falling asleep. Otherwise I will never get to bed!
- Wait for Ang to tell me she is coming home and start prepping supper.
What a day huh??? Yeah, its that great!