Its really ironic that we were there last week! Now they are making some news that would have seemed really screwy if I had not just been there.
It has to be the only state that flies gigantic state flags at higher elevation than the US flag!
I found it very strange at first… But after visiting a memorial in Houston (Name escapes me) and the Alamo… You get a better sense of where people from Texas are coming from. They have a separate history of independence that most Americans and their immigrant families cant wrap their head around. These people fought a second revolution. They pretty much consider themselves a nation to themselves!
This view of a harder fought independence started sinking while I was talking about it with the family in Austin.
Here is the news today about Texans talking about removing themselves from the Union.
As for the rallies today… I like the idea… But, in my normal skeptical thoughts, had to wonder who was behind this “movement”. Hannity was on WLS tonight cheering it on. I hate him! So, it just adds to my mixed emotions on it. One thing is for sure… I am not behind spending our way out of financial problems… Hey Summer… Can you and your kids pick up the tab for our reckless lifestyles? Or… Just keep paying the Chinese the interest we owe them on the money that paid for it!