Some may recall that while Summer was in the thick of Chemotherapy a few months ago… I was sitting in the room with her when the announcement came through for this year’s Bonnaroo Music Festival. This was the first year they allowed a one-day pass for the multiday event, and Summer was drooling over the Saturday lineup.
I told her to buy the one-day passes. What the Hell! Something to look forward to.
Anyone who knows Summer and this family knows we go to an inordinate amount of concerts. It started when the kids were younger at the Wiggles. Well, maybe not… But we have been happy to take them to shows over the years. Summer and I have seen Pup a few times, Decemberists, The National and They Might Be Giants to name a few that I can recall. We also ran around and met half the bands at the last Van’s WARP Tour. I watched her have a crush on the band, Pup… And be too embarrassed to talk when they were at their booth. It was sooooo cute!
Since then, she has continued to go to hit concerts, even without old Dad… Even to the point of driving to Philadelphia last year to see an artist that she and Nate like. I have no idea who it was??? ARIES? Or something like that. As I recall, they pushed their bucks as far as they could and slept in the Prius one night. This is not a fact I am proud of. I think it was a rest stop somewhere outside of New Jersey. People get killed outside of New Jersey!
Thankfully they lived and I was super proud that they made an effort to drive 1000 miles to see a show and enjoy a classic “broke college student” road trip.
This all leads to a point. The GoFundMe was jolted by a big donation today from an anonymous source who signed off as fellow a concert lover. The message that came with it said to use the money for a Premium VIP experience.
Bonnaroo 2023 has been contacted for an upgrade. Hopefully tomorrow we will know that it’s locked down.
This is a luxury that I would never have thought to spring for… And I am not sure Summer or any of us would have allowed the thought of this extravagance to take root in our minds.
The best part about this is that it would give Summer and Nate transportation between the stages and air-conditioned areas with food and water if they want to rest. HUGE PLUS and it would make me that much more comfortable with the kids going alone.
I have found out/figured out who it was. I have said thanks… But I hope someday I can share how awesome this guy and his wife have been to my daughter who they have never met. No matter what the news tells you… There are amazing people out there. They still exist.

What an amazing trip to look forward to❤️
Eric was is Donald Trump???