Its really the late on the 14th, so I will make this short….
I posted several new pictures on the site tonight. Many of Don and his new family. Also, I found a classic shot of Dan and Syl doing the Madhatter film.
BIG BIG BIG NEWS: for the few who have not heard yet… Ang is expecting! She went to the Doctor today, and we will be getting a Sonogram on November 30th. I am not posting it on the front page yet, just in case some of Angela’s family take a look. Linda wanted to make the call! Check out her photo from tonight when Angela gave her the “Grandma” shirt. I swear that she thought we were joking for at least a minute before it sunk in. Poor woman must have given up hope!
Everybody wish Erin a happy Birthday. I totally forgot, and am hoping that this makes her feel better!! Happy Birthday!
Back to the Kid thing…. Ang is not sure, but we are looking at early to mid July at this point for a due date.
I am putting together papers right now for my new title. “The Official Dad of the new Millennium”. It kinda has a ring to it.