HAPPY 2nd BIRTHDAY AIDEN! I made him a cool train table for all of his Thomas stuff. Yes, I did build it. It was not even a kit! Now, when you see it, and notice the warpage (Not a word according to spell check) of the wood, be gentle on me. I swear, you cannot get a straight piece of wood these days. I searched the pallet of 2X4’s at Menards, found the straight ones, and once they were home… The twisted like Chubby Checker. I fought those suckers like Uncle Mary taught me, but its hard to disguise on a table like this.
Ang painted up an antique bed to replace his crib. A few night ago when we were watching a movie, we heard a tremendous thud-crash-bang. Actually, I though the ceiling was falling in. Ang says “What was that?”… It was our boy trying to reach over his crib rail to find “Cliffy”. He did not quite reach it until he hit the floor!
Fathers Day stuff will go on all weekend as well. Tonight, we will head to Bloomington to Joe and Syl’s. Most of my family will be there for that. Sunday we may go up to Pontiac to a get-together that Grandpa Jim is having. That’s a lot of action for 2 days.
Then, we have Don in Springfield on Monday night! Come one, come all! Details on the front page.