What a morning.
I ran into the DMV this morning to get a sticker for the truck… I expected to stand there in line for an hour, but instead, I walk right up and am the first person in line… When was the last time that happened to you? That was excellent. I was happy, and as luck would have it, I had grabbed some Poi Dog Pondering the other day for the truck. Very cool, I was feeling really calm and cool with the combination of good luck and Poi.
I get home and start working on my bike, the pedal is broken… I picked up parts at Little Ade’s this past week to fix it. Every thing is going good until the pedal would not come off the pedal shaft. I tried everything. I broke a craftsman wrench, I heated it, and tried other tools. Pipes for leverage… You name it, none of it worked! I was getting more and more pissed by the second. Actually, by the time the wrench broke, I was raging.
I grab all the parts associated with this disaster and head back into town… Rev the truck up and get ready to lay a patch on the road with my newfound rage… Then I realize that I was not in optimum anger conditions…. Poi was still on my CD player, and it was all I had with me!
If you don’t know Poi, then you don’t get this, but its true. You cannot listen to Poi Dog while angry… Does not work.