Long week!
I am doing something different here… Recent pictures will be posted here. I will try to refresh the news page every 3 months or so, just to keep the page from getting to hard to load.
The step forms were in place today at the house. Soon the folks should be moving in. In the meantime, the builder of the house is letting everyone stay in some of his apartments.
That means we are guest free! Wow! I did not even remember what that meant until the first night. Total quiet, no worries about people making it home… Very surreal! The kids were fine with the whole thing. As usual, kids are more resilient to these types of things than the adults.
Lets hope that they get to move in the house real soon.
Did anyone check out the audio file? Just wondering, I did not get any feedback. Dan and I have played around with some recordings. I don’t know if I will post them on the site yet. I really wanted to get something a little more professional recorded. If vanity is that much of an issue for me, you wonder how I produce this site!
Caffeine Free! I have been pretty tame on the stories of late. I don’t know if I have dulled down that much, or feel like we have heard it all! I have given up caffeine since we got back from Europe. Honestly, that sounds like the opposite of what you would think would happen… But we were not in Paris at the Bistros smoking cloves… LOL… No, we were in Jolly Old England were the men, women and children drink ALE. Mmmmmmmmm, Ale. I did try a few sodas in England. Dad made coffee every day, but “pressed” coffee is the equivalent of chunky espresso. Certainly an eye opener, but not a great texture to get your day started. Anyway, I had been away from my 5 or 6 cups a day that I normally consume at work. It was perfect timing. Now, without caffeine, I wake up every morning without being tired! Imagine that! I drink water at work. I DO feel much better!
But, what about the edge? You know… The edge that you get when a chemical is swirling in your brain kicking the dust off the grey cells???? I don’t know. I think I need to get pumped up mentally in order to get the creative juices rolling.
I often said that I could do open mic night at the Jukebox when I worked at ChoicePoint. Just give me 2 pots of coffee, and send me up on stage. I would just rip on anything and everything. Or I would just start sweating before my heart exploded. Either way, it would be a quality set that the Jukebox would be hard pressed to best. I do wonder what a big Cappuccino would do to me right now!
Ang says I am just like my Brother and Uncle. None of us an do anything in moderation! Don gave up meat because he believes it is unethical the way they treat animals. Steve gave up Wine because it was controlling him…. Well, maybe I am in a similar position to Steve. I totally could not get through the weekend without being a freak for a soda on Saturday morning. As it stands right now, other than what caffeine is in a snickers bar, I do not touch the stuff, and have not for a while.
Back to the creative part. I will get with Dan this week to see about a new recording.
Don’s big show in Springfield is coming right up. Check out the Damon Fowler website for details. All are welcome, we would love to pack the house for them.
Ang totally caught me with my pants down. “Oh hey, by the way, I am getting some hay delivered today”, I asked how much… “Oh, about 200 bales, but 50 of those are Vera’s”. I was snookered, she even pretended that some of her riding partners would be there to help… Ha Ha…. Nowhere to be found! As it stands right now, I unloaded the bales off the trailer to my barn floor. I will be throwing them up the loft this weekend. I am still recovering from the first part of the process. Volunteers are encouraged to contact the webmaster!
New project… A fence, gate and arbor for the front entry to the yard. We bought the arbor, the rest is up to my creative skills. Pictures when complete.
We went to Jessica’s graduation get-together last Friday night. Time flies! I do remember when these guys were infants! Congrats to her. Fun picture of Jessica, Alyssa and Penny to the right.
I have been listening to the Kevin Matthews Podcast… This past week he was sitting with Mancow talking about Chicago radio. Very entertaining and exciting. I am a total personality radio junkie. Roe Conn has completely lost it for me since Gary was let go. I look forward to the day when I can tune into WLS or another great AM station to hear quality entertainment. I am an idealist. More than likely, those days are gone forever.