Just flew in from New York City… And Boy are my arms tired!
We went out for a reunion of the band Too Much Joy. They were getting together to celebrate the drummer (Tommy Vinton) retirement from 20 years on the NYC police force. So, knowing that this was one of those moments in life that I swore I had to be at if it ever happened… We flew to New York for the weekend… Hit the concert at the Knitting Factory on Friday night… Then tried to take in Manhattan on Saturday! (BTW, thats hard to do)
Check out my picasa site for pictures from the trip.
Let me tell you… Picasa is far easier than trying to do all the images myself… Like the cruise (that someday will be finished).
Hopefully, I will have some YouTube videos to share soon as well.
Here is the link to the photo blog: http://picasaweb.google.com/grouchomarkks