I seriously believe God paved Houston in the 8th day of creation… Talk about a concrete nightmare! I remember looking at the GPS at one point on the dash, and thinking you could stretch a ball of knotted yarn in about 8 directions to have a comparative image.
I am sitting in Austin right now at the Holiday Inn while the kids swim… I LOVE WI FI! As a rule on vacation… I try to ignore the news. The recent earthquake in central Italy may have affected our family heritage sites… I will have more info on that when I talk to Joe and Sylvia tonight. Joe had sent an email… But I dont know the extent of the damage.
Also, logged onto the news and saw this : http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/general_politics/just_53_say_capitalism_better_than_socialism
Thats some scary stuff…. But its not shocking. Especially when you drive across the country and see how a lot of people live. Its a direct correlation of our class envy political machines, poor public school educations, and a vision of completely corrupt business class here in America. Can you blame someone who is 20 for wanting to level the playing field? On the flip side… They have no idea how much they would lose… And just wait till they see their socialist buddy get the same as them… When they dont work as hard… Not so fun then!
I think that is why the break starts to appear as people get older… You get wiser and understand that everyman should be worth the effort they put out.