Did I mention Sonogram? We had the 5 month checkup on Friday, and the Doctor gave us a glimpse at Jr. He said if he had to guess…. He would guess Girl. So that means 51/49 girl at this point. DO NOT GET EXCITED YET! he said nothing can be conclusive till 7 months, and after seeing what he did, I agree. Its still a toss.
I changed the links on the home page. You can still see the wedding photos under “The Don page” in the photo section.
Added Terry and Penny to the Email Link Page. I cant believe that I missed them on there! Sorry.
Family Members… Prepare for FORT PRIX Survivor. Its coming to your Email box soon!
I cant believe I forgot…. I went to the Illinois Horse Fair this weekend with Ang. I was so bored that I had my classic allergic reaction. While sitting in the bleachers of the State Fair Grounds, my nose started running, and my eyes watered! It was like High School all over again. I hadn’t had this reaction in years. I was really bored to tears! The only highlight of the day was horses pulling carts. I told Ang this, and she was pretty disgusted with me! But, I really perked up and paid attention when the horses were pulling something. Carts, Wagons, buggies…. even a log was entertaining.
I did make a purchase at the fair. An authentic Aussie Brahma hat. I have been needing a wide brimmed cap for farm work, so now I will look truly “Red”.
Sunday we went to Columbia MO. for Angela’s grandmas birthday.
NEW Contractor Alert. Just when you thought we had come to our senses… We had a Garage door guy come out and give us a bid on 2 new garage doors and openers. 1300.00 bucks takes up all the way. We have 8X10 doors, so we are just a little bigger than average. Ang blew out the motor on the one door that worked, and now that she is pregnant she sees the value in openers.