My buddy Chris from the dealership asked me to be the God Father of little Abby. (The picture I just posted this last week) I was really honored, and asked a lot of questions to make sure I was the right guy… In the end I accepted. What a great thing! Bubba, the finance manager at Fort’s is a Deacon in the Catholic Church. He will do the actual ceremony. I think this will happen after Easter Mass in Pekin. I will make sure to take some photos.
Last night, Angela swore that there was a “coon” in the garage. I flew home, and searched it over… But he was gone. Maybe next time!
Tonight it started raining for a change. It has been pretty dry, and the pasture grass was suffering. The rain came pretty fast, and now we have some kind of mud thing going on.
Ang wanted to take the horses to Vera’s tonight, so I went out in the truck to retrieve the trailer from the back barn… I had to turn on the 4 wheel drive! I think you will see the path for weeks to come. Let me tell you, I did not work on that pasture for the last 9 months in order to ruin it in 1 hour.
I think the kitchen would have been done today if it had not been for this cabinet swap… Probably early next week.
Since it was raining today, I avoided any contact with the fence… (That’s me…. Always thinking!)
By the way, the manure went out yesterday morning.