Finished the Barn door. I was going nuts with power tools, and it paid off. This door slides easier than any other door we have. I will get a picture for all of you kids to see.
We had a Kitchen contractor come out this week. I about choked when he said it could go to 50 Grand! I said… What can we get for 10? So this week we will find out. We will get a second opinion, but these guys have never treated us wrong before. We really want this done before Jr. arrives.
We finally started getting things put away from the final pieces of the old house. We had brought in a few last pieces before vacation, and they have just sat in the foyer for a month.
Finished the new Drapes in the foyer. They match the new drapes of the living room.
We went to Damon’s on the Peoria Riverfront last night. I can say that it was the worst service of my life. It took over an hour to get my food! The waitress bought me and Bill off with a free round of beers. So we weren’t as upset as our pregnant wives. They both ended up with free desert.
I ordered some nice picture hooks online. Here is a link to one of the only manufacturers that I could find. We bought a few 880’s and 550’s. I hope they look as good at our house as they do on that site.
Rumor has it that Steele is dating again! Watch out ladies! I got the scoop from Bernie.