I guess we always have something going on… Thats all I can figure out for no being on here adding more content, or updating the home page. Its possible I am just a slacker!
I had to cancel the comment ability on the posts of the blog. Too much spam.
Has anyone ever bought any of these drugs that spammers are selling? Seriously? There cant be that much money in it, since it would seem that the market is saturated! Oh well, they just keep sending more and more garbage to me and other people.
On to real news… We did pumpkins 2 weeks ago, and they are flat out rotten on the front stoop. The kids did not understand that 80 degree temps are not conducive to keeping produce fresh! Speaking of Halloween… Aiden is a freak for the holiday. He loves it! Couldn’t wait to get our ornaments out, and loves checking out what everyone has out in their lawns. Summer is going as a Doctor as her costume, and Aiden will be a Dragon/Dinosaur/Godzilla. He changes his answer every-time you ask him, fortunately, its all the same costume!
Tom and Megan’s wedding was great. Super cool little church for the ceremony… A surprise bagpiper at the end of the ceremony… A classy reception that had Guinness Stout (Original Style)… And he gave a speech for a toast to Megan that he could sell to all future husbands out there…
I swear it was the nicest thing I had ever heard. I leaned over to Ang and said that I could have said something that nice if we had waited 10 more years to get married. Kennedy agreed, but both of us did not get believable reactions from the wives.
So, in the end… It was worth missing the Great American Beer Fest in Denver.
Took the kids to see Nightmare before Christmas in 3D. It was pretty cool. You can tell your kids are getting older when they dont fidget with there glasses and sit still in a theater! Pretty soon they will be adults!