So much going on… And so much time consumed that I cannot steal away to write a few stories down.
- Angela and I made 2 deposits in the Summer Stahl Memorial Scholarship Fund this weekend for Caterpillar matching funds. Thank you!
- We had our late November vacation to Italy, I have so many stories to tell. Some just need to be documented. Highlights of some stories include:
- Metro Rail and pickpockets.
- I’m tired of Disneyland Italy, a trip to the edge of town was enlightening. Time to rent a car and explore.
- Never miss an opportunity to spend time with family. We missed time with family because we were busy and I will not get those opportunities back!
- The 5-second rule does not apply on the streets of Rome.
- Sometimes, taking the tour is OK. This is a hard perspective view from someone who believes I should plan everything myself.
- Best coffee of the trip.
- I was sworn into the Tazewell County Board “officially” on the merits of a vote. Its going to be a fun year in 2025. I need to work on outlets to share information easily!
- How do we spend epic money on more courtrooms when it’s documented that our population is falling?
- Am I on the only one who thinks contemporary architecture design is ok for your local REI, but not for local government and historic downtowns?
- Daryl and I interviewed Jake (again) to talk about Trail Team and some of our trips this year. I told Jake this after the show, but he mentioned how much our trip to the UP left an impression on his son. I loved the story, and it’s not the first time I have heard things like this. Kids get so much out of our trips, and this took me 10 years to see.
- Tonight, I probably did my last Eagle Scout Board of Review. Troop 62 is merging and folding into Troop 181. They are flush with parental involvement. So, I do not need so much anymore.
- Aiden jammed or broke his thumb this weekend… I tried to pull it out but he nearly passed out in pain. So, we left it alone. Its swollen, but I don’t think there is much we can do for it. I sent him back to school for finals this week… We will see next weekend if it’s any better????
- The United Healthcare assassination gave me some hard thoughts about Summer’s lack of medical diagnosis a few years ago. How many times she went to clinics and hospitals without anyone doing an MRI. I go back and forth on “best healthcare in the world” (said sarcastically) on whether insurance policies at our company, Health Alliance, let us down. I do not look back and ponder what-ifs very often, because I am sure we did everything we could. But did she get screwed by bad policies??? God I hope not.
- I used to think that I could live without Netflix… But Amazon Prime has reminded me how much I hate commercials. I want to cancel. Thankfully for them, I need that free shipping with PRIME!
- Speaking of canceling. I am ready to cancel COSTCO. Guards at the front doors… Guards at the self check. Then a final check when I leave. If they checked me accurately at the front door, then all these other “members” I see standing around would be unnecessary. I really don’t need anything in bulk anymore anyway. Waiting for Angela to feel the same!
- Angela and I joined Don and Dawn for Hometown Christmas in Tremont… It was great! Go next year!!! Take your kids! They will have a ball!
Congratulations on another vacation in Italy, sounds like you had an even better time than before!
Update on Aidan’s thumb?
From what you told me and what I read, you and Angela did everything in your power to do what you could for Summer – and then some! And you were all incredibly blessed to be able to do so many more things than so many more parents were able to for their kids!
You were always thinking of things to do to keep her occupied, a smile on her face, busy, etc.. Your minds never stopped rolling!
You two are amazing parents who love your kids with all your hearts!