Just one more animal to add to the heap!. Saturday I was driving out to the far end of the pasture to knock down some mole holes… I saw what I thought was a shimmering piece of metal out in the grass. As I pulled up, I noticed that it was a Giant Snake cruising through our property! I pulled up beside it, and it didn’t look like a Garter Snake.
Being the big man that I am…. I ran it over! He eventually curled up and died.
I felt kinda bad when I found out it was a Bull Snake. The Bull Snake makes its living killing small rodents and MOLES! Man did I screw up! Anyway, the North American Wildlife handbook (Gift from Pete and Marie when I was 12) says that they get up to 8 feet long. I don’t know that I can handle an 8 foot snake on my property, even if he is the good kind!