First off… Dan and Noelle’s wedding was an amazing event.
As a rule: I hate weddings
Really… I hate them! I hate getting dressed up (particularly wearing a tie)… I hate all the goofiness of the wedding party sitting in a line at the front of the room… I hate the colors that people pick for their weddings. I hate the bad beer. I hate the music the DJ plays… You name it… I hate everything about them.
From September 2010 |
Well, this wedding was the best I have ever been too. The wedding was at the same place as the reception. It was small and personal. Even people who I didn’t know were cool to hang out with and talk too. The wedding colors were with the season. We didn’t have to rent tuxes and wear rented shoes. The roasted hog and beer were great.
All in all… A fine wedding. Nothing could have been improved. NOTHING! And that’s saying a lot coming from me!
Congrats to Dan and Noelle!
September has been a whirlwind month. Ang’s reunion, driving to Indiana for the bachelor party and a wedding keg, Dan and Noelle’s wedding and the Pygmalion Music Fest. I am worn out!
More on the the music fest as I get a chance. Oh, and check out the 70 pics or so that I added tonight on my Picasa September page. Use the link on the photo above.