I got home on Monday night and I knew I had screwed up as soon as I walked in the door. There was a smell in the house that reeked like gas. Burnt gas. Like… The stove has been on all day gas. I looked down… The cat was there to greet me at the door, so I was reasonably confident that the C02 levels in the house were not high enough for me to panic. I bee-lined for the kitchen and turned to look at the stove. I didn’t see a flame under the 18″ Lodge skillet… I had an instant panic attack that this smell was raw gas and I was now in mortal danger! I got closer to the stove and looked under the giant cast iron cookware and saw a minimal flame rolling under it. The top side of the skillet was dark around the edges and had a grey-ed out center where the flame had been cooking on it all day.
Yeesh. I’m an idiot.
While we are on the subject, let’s add more material to my showcase of stupidity…
Once again proving that I am not to be trusted alone at the house… but also far less dangerous to our home and pets… I screwed up my laundry! This morning, I went downstairs to get the clean clothes out of the dryer only to find disappointment. I had run the wash on Monday night, about the time I was writing the last post. Before I started, I had angela on the phone walking me through the correct amount of detergent. I also followed her strict directions to use the “tap cold” wash settings. I got this! No prob! Later, after watching something on Netflix, I ran downstairs and moved it to the dryer. I set it at 1 hour and went to bed. I am adulting!
Back to this morning. when I opened the drier door to retrieve a work shirt… I got an instant whiff of “wet”. Touching the two-day-old clothes confirmed that my selection of 1-hour dry time was not enough to get the job done.
I moved it all back to the washing machine… Used a warm wash… And left for work. Warm will help remove the smell? Right?
Will someone remind me to put the clothes in the dryer when I get home?
In news of being a successful human being…
I posted some refrigerator art from Aiden’s first semester at Carthage College in Wisconsin. Deans list! Way to start college Aiden! His book list for this year’s classes was pretty cool… We ordered everything on Amazon, used (So you can get all the psychopath notes and highlights), and I got to walk through the whole list with him.
The Prince by Machiavelli. A book of poems by the greek poet Sappho. The first and second discourses by Jean Rousseau. The second Treatise of Government by John Locke. These are all political bangers! I am scared to talk politics with Aiden after this next semester at School!
I may have to schedule a debate with the Culp boys or Steger’s to challenge him when he is back this summer!
Aiden, congratulations for achieving the Dean’s List fall semester at Carthage College! Always proud of you!
Rinsing clothes in vinegar OR baking soda (not both) can remove any musty smells prior to re-washing. File that away in your memory banks for the future.
You’re on with that political debate! Try checking out books from the college library too. If they don’t have them you can interlibrary loan and just keep renewing. I saved about $2000 doing that at BU. No one does this because students don’t know where the library is….lol. I used their online portal!